Photograph Gallery
The gallery includes photographs of the events that we undertake during the course of the year. The newest post will always be at the top of the page and the oldest at the bottom. Every care is taken to ensure that the photograph is appropriate to our activities, and we have used pixelization techniques to protect the identity of young people.
January 2025
We started our Alpha Course this Tuesday in the St Erth Chapel kitchen and we were pleased with the response. We had lunch together, watched a video entitled 'Is there more to life than this?', and enjoyed a lively discussion. There are still a few places available if you would like to join us next Tuesday at 12.30 (after Tea and Toast). Why not give it a try.
December 2024
New Year's Eve took another dimension at Tea and Toast. Derek and Elma were married on New Year's Eve in 1954 so we celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with a very special cake. In addition, as Elma was born in the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland (not going to tell you when), Viv played Old Lang Syne on her piano accordion and we all linked hands in the traditional way and sung.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
We held our last Tea and Toast on Christmas Eve and were pleased to welcome some 40 of our friends who have supported us throughout the year. There was a full buffet; a Christmas Trivia quiz and singing of Christmas Carols to live accordion music.
Viv with a few members of the Cober Valley Accordion Band entertained us with Christmas Carols at the last Farmers Market for 2024. The next Farmers Market will be on Saturday 4th January 2025.
Our Christmas Carol service was well attended despite some of the problematic weather we have been experiencing. We were pleased to welcome Kenney Bassett to lead our service and he was ably assisted by his puppet who appealed to all the young children. We were also please to welcome St Erth Concert Band and St Ives Community Choir who played and sang a selection of Christmas carols. Afterwards there were hot mince pies and a drinks. A total of £227-12 was raised for Action for Children.
Don't forget the Christmas Tree display in the Chapel. It will be open to the public daily from 9th December to 14th December between 2.00pm to 5.00pm and 7.00pm to 8.00pm.
Something for fun for the whole of the family. See if you can discover the figures from the Nativity who are playing Hide and Seek from you. One of each is on display in a different front window of houses scattered around the village and can be easily viewed from the road. If you can see them perhaps you could write down the house number or name and the Nativity character. When you have found as many as you can, drop all your answers in at the Post Office. Entry forms are available from the Chapel or the Post Office. Make sure your name is included as there may be a small prize for the winner. Closing date is Friday 30th December. Thank you for taking part.
After the Christmas Carol service a brooch was found by a pew. The owner may come and collect it provided they can correctly identify the pew where they sat and dropped it.
The Rainbow Youth Club has been busy in the Chapel kitchen making and decorating their own Christmas Cake. They look very delicious.
November 2024
On Sunday we were delighted to welcome Herman and Helene Miklas on their return from Austria to lead our service and administer Holy Communion. Their pet Marie was one on the most well behaved members of the congregation and played an important part in demonstrating how to concentrate when praying. As a surprise for Herman and Helene, instead of the usual musical reflection after the service, we played 'Vienna, City of Dreams'.
Don't forget this Wednesday for the Open Heart half hour.
St Erth Chapel and St Erth Church of England held a joint Sunday Remembrance service starting with Helen Purchase taking the first part with prayers and remembrance; and the laying of the wreaths. George Lawry played The Last Post and the Reveille, and also accompanied the singing of 'God Save the King' and the procession to the Chapel singing 'O God our help in ages past'.
The Rainbows of the St Erth Girl Guides added their shoebox gifts to the others donated by the generous people of St Erth for onwards transmission by the charity Samaritan's Purse to boys and girls in far off countries overseas. A total of 46 boxes were blessed. Later the Rainbows showed the congregation the wonderful red flowers they made during their temporary absence from the service.
We were delighted to welcome David Tremelling to play our fine and rarely played 155 years old Foster and Andrews organ at this joint united Remembrance service by St Erth Chapel and St Erth Church of England.
This Sunday, Remembrance Sunday, will be a joint united service between St Erth Methodist Chapel and St Erth Church of England. Please gather at the War memorial at 10.50am in time for the silence at 11.00am. George Lawry will play The Last Post and then Reveille, and then the service will continue at the Chapel at 11.15am.
On Sunday we held our joint Messy Church service with St Erth Methodist Chapel and St Erth Church of England. The theme was 'Jesus, Light of the World' and the service was led by Ian Alford. There were 14 children who enjoyed the craft and games, and together with accompanying parents and helpers, a hot cooked meal was served to 27 people.
October 2024
On Saturday we ran the refreshments kitchen at the Farmers' Market in aid of the Bible Society. We raised £183-50, from the sale of tea and cakes, but also from 'Guess the weight of the Pumpkin' at 10p a try. Here are Richard and Christian who were the winners with an estimate of 8kg. In fact it was 8.3kg (16bs 2oz).
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Katherine Baxter to lead our Healing Service. She wore her new stole and was assisted by her faithful Jack Russell 'Zac'.
A big thankyou to those members of St Erth Players who at their own expense of time and money have refurbished and redecorated the secret corridor that they use when their players arrive on cue on the stage. This photo shows their halfway position and now it is fully finished with new white walls; new lino and electric lights.
On Sunday we are delighted to report that Di Webber was presented with a Certificate recognising 25 years of service as a dedicated and faithful Local Preacher. The award was handed to her at Chapel Street, Penzance by Rev Dan Haylett; the Chair of the South West Peninsula District of the Methodist Church.
On Sunday we had a full house of 26 children plus parents for our joint local Messy Church. We were pleased to welcome the Church of England's 'Children; Youth; and Families' officer; Nat Carney. The theme was Ruth; Naomi; Boaz and young Obed and Nat entertained the children with a cleverly illustrated history using her magic bag of props. The usual hot cooked meal was provided for all, and our thanks go to all the helpers from both churches who made this occasion possible.
September 2024
A big 'Thank You' to all the volunteers, inside and out, that made the Cafe de Paris a great success last Saturday. In addition, a thank you to all those who attended the event and enjoyed the cafe and the cabaret. Over 100 people were catered for and we apologise to all those who queued outside but couldn't get in as there was no further space in the hall. All proceeds from this event are going to the St Erth Christmas Lights Committee in order that they can continue their good works.
On Monday we turned our kitchen into a smart dining room and catered for 20 guests to a free meal of cottage pie; carrots and runner beans, and then apple crumble and custard - thus using the fresh produce left over from Harvest Festival. We invited local people as part of out outreach programme so that everyone could could get to know the others much better. Again we were pleased to welcome Tony Jasper to say the Grace before the meal and entertain us at the end of the meal.
We had our Harvest Festival service on Sunday. The collection was for Farm Africa and the food for the Hayle Food Bank. We were pleased to welcome Tony Jasper to lead our service and then we all went up to the local pub for our own Harvest Festival treat.
Make a date and don't be late.
July 2024
On Tuesday at Tea and Toast we had a welcome visitor. He was Andrew Hayden, the organist and Church Warden from a local parish in Norwich. He is also on the committee of the British Institute of Organs and was party to arranging for ours to be given a Grade II certificate in 2018. He was making his annual pilgrimage to various parts of the UK to photograph those of note and over a number of years he hopes to complete his task. We were thrilled to be on this year's itinerary.
Our service on Sunday was full of surprises. To start with we were delighted to welcome Rev Matt Fugill for his first (and also last) service at St Erth; accompanied by his daughter Abbie. He led our service and Holy Communion. Next we were delighted to welcome Christine Curry who played all the hymns on our 1864, Grade 2 listed, Foster and Andrews Organ; accompanied by her husband Jim. Next we were delighted to welcome Sue who became a Member of our Church; accompanied by all her family. And the final surprise was when 'Consider yourself one of the family' (from the musical 'Oliver') burst over the loud speakers.
Saturday was out 16th anniversary of the Farmers’ Market, and, as always, it was well attended. Two well known local piano accordionists serenaded us during the morning with popular which they normally perform at the Memory Café.
St Erth POW camp.
Arvid came to tea and toast the other day. He was born 11th July 1943 in Lithuania (adjacent to Poland). Full name Hans Arvydas Sunius but known as Arvid. His father was Jonas Sunius born 30th June 1908. Because he could speak fluent Lithuanian, German and English he came to St Erth in 1947 to work at the POW camp and was the warden there for the last few years of the occupancy of the camp whilst there were still some prisoners in it and later when it housed displaced people such as, Lithuanians and Polish. He had an office and bedroom in one of the main buildings.
Arvid and his mother fled Lithuania as war refugees in January 1948 and came to live in Chapel Street and when the prisoner of war camp was finally closed in 1953 and his father's job completed, they left St Erth and moved on. He has many memories of life as a local school boy up to the age of 10.
Our July Messy Church was the usual joint venture between the two local St Erth churches and had a much better than expected attendance of 37 people. All enjoyed games and crafts; a simple Christian message and a cooked meal – all free. The theme and scripture was King Solomon’s temple.
June 2024
Derek Thomas and Andrew George and the other 7 candidates have
been invited to this hustings. Mr B. Coleman, our local Headmaster, will
be the Chairman for the evening and we hope that there will be an
emphasis on poverty in Cornwall. Come along and make sure that your
opinion counts.
Make a date and don't be late. Each silhouette of a soldier has been cut
out by hand and many people have been involved to make the
centrepiece of the War time café.
Please do not forget the Chapel's contribution to the Remembrance of D
Day on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June between 2.00pm and 5.00pm.
Here is Di Webber putting up the banner she made.
On Sunday 2nd June we held our Messy Church. The theme to align with the D Day Anniversary was David and Goliath. All the activities were connected to it and here we see some young potential young Davids deciding how to tackle the ferocious Goliath.
May 2024
Free D Day 6 June 1944 Exhibition.
There will be a display in the Chapel of a war time kitchen with food rationing and a display of war time memorabilia. The Chapel will be open on the Saturday and Sunday after the the mid week anniversary of D Day. Come and see what life was like and see what food was on ration; what kitchen utensils were used. Even taste some war time cooking. Listen to war time news bulletins and what was popular music at the time on a vintage radio. See photos, memorabilia and articles of life at the time, but no unexploded bombs. Come and have tea in our war time café where food is still under Government rationing.
Open Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2.00pm to 5.00pm; All free.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Rev Matt Fugill to lead our Messy Church. The theme was Ascension, and along with his wife Rebecca and daughter Abigail, a great time was had by all. Di led the singing of 'I will make you fishers of men'.
April 2024
Table Top sale continues on Tuesday 30th April from 10.00am to 12.00am in the Methodist Hall. Included are fee preloved St Erth School uniforms.
This Saturday April 27th. Come along to a Bargain Table Top Sale in the Chapel Hall from 1.00-3.00pm. Items include books, crockery, clothes, bric-a-brac and much more. Proceeds for Hayle Food Bank. Further details 01736740345
There is a heap of old roofing tiles waiting to be recycled before the skip arrives to take them away. They have been removed from the St Erth Chapel roof and could be the original 1827 Delabole slates but we have no way of proving this.
If anybody would like a few for souvenirs; or to edge their garden paths; to crush in shingle for a path; or if you are a builder that can make got use of them; them please help yourself and donate at Farmers Market according to the volume that you take. The more you take then the more generous we would like you to be be, because they are of more value to those in the building trade and second hand ones are very expensive to buy commercially.
March 2024
Our Easter Sunday service had a record attendance, the largest we have had this year so far. Not only were we able to welcome back some familiar faces, but some new ones as well.
Thanks to Harry and his family for handing in the selection of old
used mobile phones at the Farmers Market for recycling. These will be sent to a UK children's charity, where, if useable, will be given to deserving children, and if unusable, then dismantled and valuable parts sold for funds. All phones are wiped clean of personal data.
The results for the Easter Competition for a decorated hen's egg held at the Farmers Market on Saturday.
Winners were
Under 5s - 1st Bonnie, 2nd Malachi
5-7s- 1st Varshitha, 2nd Reggie ,
8-11s - 1st Lexi, 2nd Ella, Equal 3rd Lexi and Lakshika,
Adults- 1st Di, 2nd Kim, Equal 3rd Angela and Mike.
Congratulations to all who took part and thanks also to our judge - Sue Owen.
Easter Sunday. May the Spirit of the Lord fill your home and all the rest of your days.
Good Friday. May Jesus live in your heart forever.
Palm Sunday is the day we remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem exactly one week before his resurrection.
'Open Heart Half Hour' at the Star Inn on Wednesday at 7.30pm with songs, hymns and testimony. Everyone welcome.
Easter Competition for a decorated Hens Egg. All entries to be submitted to the Farmers Market by 10.30am on Easter Saturday March 30th.
Classes for Under 5s, 5-7 years, 8-11 years, secondary age and adult.
It was nice to see the Methodist Hall packed to over flowing for the first night of the St Erth Players production of 'Allo 'Allo 2 - The Camembert Caper.
As usual, in line with their reputation, the performance was a tremendous success with all of our local popular cast acting with such skill and timing that had the audience roaring with laughter. The Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows are all sold out.
Thank you to St Erth Players, and all those connected with the Players for giving us such an enjoyable evening.
On Sunday we held our Messy Church and it is good to see that the numbers are picking up again. It is a joint venture between the two local St Erth Churches and is an ideal opportunity for Mums and Dads and other responsible family members to bring their young family for a fun packed session of simple table top games and crafts whereby they can get as messy as they like and learn by what they are doing; followed by a short
family service aimed at the young ones and then finish with a hot cooked meal for everyone. Parents can relax while the children enjoy themselves and the whole experience is completely free of charge.
The Messy Church theme this week was to understand that we are all part of God's great family. We are grateful all the volunteers who organised the craft and games, and for those who cooked the meal.
February 2024
On Tuesday Rev Edwin Myers came to our Tea and Toast for his final visit in his official capacity. A cake was cooked for him in his honour and we look forward to many more visits once he has settled into his new life.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome, but sorry to say farewell to, Rev Edwin Myers, when he gave us his final service; his final sermon and his final Sacrament. We shall miss him and at the end of the service; instead of the usual quite music of reflection; we played him Gracie Fields 'Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye'. We all then went up to the pub for a Sunday lunch where Sue was able to join us.
January 2024
On Sunday we were delighted to welcome Mrs Helene Miklas to lead our service. Not only was she a last minute emergency replacement but it was her first time to preach in this country. She did us proud!.
The scaffolding has gone up to start the first repair to the roof to cure a leak that suddenly became apparent when a large wet patch appeared in the ceiling of the chapel.
There will be no Farmers' Market this Saturday 6th January. It will return on the following Saturday.
There will be no service at the Chapel this Sunday 7th, but all are invited to a Circuit Covenant service at Chapel Street Chapel, Penzance at 10.45am. Services will be back to normal the following Sunday.
Tea and toast will return on Tuesday 9th January.
December 2023
On Saturday 30th December we said goodbye to Billy and Judith who have run the farm produce stall at the Farmers' Market for 15 years. They will be greatly missed. The new year will see their replacement.
This bicycle has been left in the Methodist car park. It will remain there for collection if the owners still requires it. Otherwise it will be disposed of after a suitable length of time.
A collapsible black umbrella was left on the outside window cill of the Methodist old school room. It has been moved inside in the dry for collection if the owners still requires it. Otherwise it will be disposed of after a suitable length of time.
Thank you very much to all the people who visited the Chapel to look at the Christmas Tree Festival and to all those who took part in the quiz to guess the titles of the Ladybird books that the trees represented. Although no one guessed the 18 there were 4 people with 17 correct answers and these will receive a small prize. Also a big Thank you to all the Groups who used such imaginative ideas to interpret the titles.
The answers are:
1 Jack and the Beanstalk
2 Dick Whittington
3 The 3 Billy Goats Gruff
4 Alladin
5 Robinson Crusoe
6 Pinocchio
7 Goldilocks and the 3 bears
8 The 3 Little pigs
9 Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
10 A Cornish Christmas
11 The Elves and the Shoemaker
12 Hansel and Gretel
13 Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
14 The Little Red Hen
15 The Gingerbread Man
16 Sleeping Beauty
17 Cinderella
18 Little Red Riding Hood.
Today we were pleasantly surprised and pleased when at Tea and Toast we were visited by St Erth School choir, all dressed as Santa's Little Helpers, and sang to us a melody of Christmas Carols. Their faces have been blurred at the request of the school.
The annual Christmas Carol Service on Sunday was a great success with St Erth Band and St Ives Choir entertaining us. It was very well attended and over £290 was raised for Action for Children.
This key was found in the Chapel on Monday. It could have been mislaid on the Saturday, Sunday or Monday during the Christmas Tree Festival activities. It can be collected when requested.
Why not treat your children and grandchildren; and parents and grandparents; and friends and neighbours to a real old time Christmas Carol service this Sunday; 10th December at 3.00pm. Failing that, then just treat yourself.
Listen to the band and the choir; join in the with the carols and look with amazement at the beautifully decorated Chapel with all the sponsored decorated Christmas trees and see if you can guess the theme. Followed by tea and mince pies, and above all, it is all FREE!.
For anyone who has not yet seen the Christmas Tree Festival, then there is still one more day left; this Saturday 9th from 2.00-5.00pm and 7.00-800pm.
A big thank you to the local volunteers - that is Alan; Jon and Andy from the Lights Committee who answered our plea for help. They supplied and fitted LED lightbulbs high up in the Chapel ceiling in time for the annual Christmas Tree Festival and Carol service. These lights had not been working for years.
November 2023
Saturday December 2nd - Light switch on & start of Christmas Tree Festival which will be open daily from 2-5 & 7-8pm
Sunday December 3rd - Congregation Service 11am
Saturday December 9th - St Erth Band Concert in Chapel 7.30pm
Sunday December 10th - Traditional Annual Carol Service 3.00pm with St Ives Community Choir and St Erth Band.
Sunday December 17th -Service at 11am with Rev H Miklas
Sunday December 24th - Christmas Eve Christingle
Annual Christmas Tree Festival and Christmas Carol Service for the whole village.
We were please to donate to the Hayle Heritage Museum all the ancient Methodist banners and also the remnants of our St Erth Wesleyan Methodist Church crested china. Here Daisy Culmer together with Barbara, both from the museum, take delivery of them.
Today we took the Samaritan's Purse Shoe Box Appeal, of all 38 boxes, which had been prepared by the local community, to the collection point in Carbis Bay for onwards transmission.
On this Remembrance Sunday the Methodists and Anglicans united and held a joint service with the Rev Patricia Murley taking the service and Tony Jasper giving the sermon. The service was supported by George Lawry who played on this bugle the Last Post and the Reveille as we observed the silence at the War Memorial.
Remembrance Sunday
Nature created a flower,
With petals of brilliant red,
Who'd have thought such a beautiful flower,
Would be used to remember the dead.
Something for fun for the whole of the family. See if you can find the 10 Nativity figures who are playing Hide & Seek from you. One of each is on display in a different front window of houses scattered around the village and can easily be viewed from the road. If you see them fill in the competition entry form which is available at the Post Office or Chapel and return by the closing date Dec 8th. Good hunting.
Open Heart half hour at the Star Inn St Erth Wednesday 15th November at 7.30pm with favourite Gospel songs, hymns and testimony with David Evans. Come along and join in.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Jim Curry to lead our service. He lit a candle and invited us to light from it as many tea lights as we wished and as we said a silent prayer for those loved ones we knew but were no longer with us.
October 2023
On Saturday we ran the refreshments counter at the Farmers' Market with all cakes donated and all proceeds to the Bible Society.
Open Heart half hour at the Star Inn St Erth Wednesday 18th October at 7.30pm with favourite Gospel songs, hymns and testimony. Come along and join in.
As only one parent has volunteered to help run the St Erth Mother and Toddler Group then all the indoor and outdoor, large and small, items will be offered for sale the SATURDAY 14TH OCTOBER.
As many that can safely be placed in the hall during Farmers' Market from 10.00am to 12.00am will be available. Depending on the weather the larger items may be outside or available in the hall from 1.00pm to 3.00pm.
As sad as the circumstances are, this is a good opportunity to get yourself a bargain before Christmas.
This scooter seems to have been left in the corridor of the Methodist Hall. If it is yours then please collect it during Farmers' Market 10.00am to 12.00am on Saturday. If would be helpful if a parent could come with the owner just to confirm the ownership.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome David and Sheena Barber from Australia who were visiting their uncle who was in the congregation.
On Sunday we were pleasantly surprised to see a packed hall of children with parents for Messy Church. The theme was the parable of the rich foolish farmer and his barns. They had a great time with making items connected with the theme; followed by a simple service and a catchy harvest children's song and then a free cooked meal. Our thanks go to the the helpers and kitchen staff; all from both local churches, who made all this possible.
September 2023
On Monday, after our Harvest Festival Service on Sunday, we held a Harvest Luncheon. 20 local people, who we thought would enjoy the company of other locals and also enjoy a home cooked meal, were invited. The meal was entirely free and consisted of a chicken casserole, carrots and mashed potatoes, followed by apple crumble and custard. They were than able to join in a nostalgic sing along of the popular songs of yesteryear whilst they had tea or coffee and a well known mint. The photo shows the kitchen table put to good use.
Today we were pleased to welcome Kenny Bassett to lead our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. Much to the delight of some young children who attended the service, and to us oldies, he was assisted by his hand puppet Grandpa. All food donated at today's Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be given to the local Food Bank, and the collection will be sent to the Farm Africa charity to buy seeds and livestock.
We have found in the midst of unchartered areas in the organ loft a large wooden chest containing seven banners. I guess that they may be about 100 years old, but only two are in a good state of repair. The remaining ones need a lot of restoration work so they will be stored away again until it can be done.
August 2023
On Sunday were were pleased to welcome Rev Stephen Bales and his wife Jenny to lead our service. They very kindly became last minute replacements when our booked preacher was unable to attend due to illness.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Rev Edwin Myers on his first day back after his recent eye operations. He led our service with the parable of the Good Samaritan and administered the Holy Communion.
You will recall that in June we were told that the group would close down if no volunteers to run it were found. They have run a successful meeting place for local families of St Erth for a number of years. There are plenty of families who would still like it to continue but if by the end of the Summer term no volunteers stepped forward then it would be closed and all equipment sold to avoid storage costs.
The current position is that only one person has volunteered but another is needed by the group. One person cannot run it by themself. It will be closed on 25th August.
Please telephone Viv Hocking on 01736 740345 for who to contact and further information. Viv is only responsible for keeping the booking of the hall open and for allowing the storage of the equipment.
Open Heart half hour at The Star Inn on Wednesday Aug 16th at 7.30pm with favourite Gospel songs, hymns & testimony with Terry Grant. Come along and join in.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Tim James to lead our service. The text was the feeding of the 5000 which he amply demonstrated with freshly picked blackberries from the local hedgerows. It was his first visit to us and we hope to see him again in the future.
July 2023
This Sunday but if it rains then in the Chapel.
Open Heart half hour at the Star Inn St Erth Wednesday 19th July at 7.30pm with favourite Gospel songs, hymns and testimony. Come along and join in.
Saturday was our 15th anniversary of running the Farmers Market. To celebrate we had two gifted young musicians play a melody of all time favourites on the accordion. Thank you goes to Viv Hocking and Lyndsey Eddy for an enjoyable and welcome interlude to our normal market.
It is always sad to see in a charity shop something that the owner no longer wants; or sadder still, has passed away. However it has gone to a good home again.
On Tuesday our Tea and Toast attendance was almost at the maximum capacity that we can cater for. There were over 30 people, some local, some not.
June 2023
On Sunday we held another well attended Messy Church. The theme was 'The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep'. After some fun and games, followed by a role play of the children pretending to be lost sheep, we all sang 'Baa Baa He's the good shepherd' and then went for a picnic tea in the children's area near the river bank. Our thanks go to all the volunteers who made this possible.
St Erth Parent and Toddler Group have run a successful meeting place for the local families of St Erth for a number of years. Although there are plenty of parents and toddlers who would still like to use the facilities there is now no one who wishes to run it and it has ground to a halt.
If you feel that you would like to take on the running of this group please telephone Viv Hocking on 01736 740345. They have a Facebook page if you wish to read more of their background.
If no volunteer comes forward by the end of this Summer term then the group will be closed down and all equipment sold to avoid storage costs.
May 2023
Open Heart half hour at the Star Inn St Erth Wednesday May 17th at 7.30pm with favourite Gospel songs, hymns & testimony. Come along and join in.
On Sunday were were pleased to welcome Katherine Baxter to lead our service. She was recently asked to produce and illustrate the map of his Coronation route which appeared in the Radio Times. She presented to us a copy from the limited edition which she signed and was given to us all.
On Saturday we were the last stop for the Cornish Methodist Historical Association's visits to local miners' chapels. We were pleased to entertain the group of 31 people to a talk on the history of our Chapel; followed by a short service led by Tony Jasper, and then a full sit down tea.
Finally a great thank you goes to all the unsung heroes that behind the scenes made and donated all the sandwiches and cakes etc; those who spent their entire time in the kitchen constantly preparing food; washing up etc. Then thank you to all the people who decorated the hall; moved all the furniture etc; washed the tables cloths etc. Then thank you to St Erth Feast Committee for loaning us all the crockery that we needed.
The Victorian Music Hall sing along was a fun event in the King Charles III Team Room and was probably appreciated more by the older audience than the younger ones.
The King Charles and Queen Camilla carboard cut out was a fun photo opportunity for anyone on entering the hall. There was a regal crown to use as a theatrical prop and our thanks go to the person who donated the Charles and Camilla photo.
If you have any photographs connected with the Tea Room event that you are willing to share, please email them to
The King Charles III Tea Room was a great success with over 150 people being served with tea and cakes. We would like to thank all the people of St Erth for attending the function and turning it into a memorable occasion.
The Coronation painting competition attracted 91 entries and the winners of each category were -
Nursery - 1 Ashton; 2 Teddie Coco; 3 Babe Bear
Infants - 1 Amelia; 2 Louise; 3 Finley
Juniors - 1 Nina; 2 Kiri; 3 Nancy
Secondary - Sophie
Adult - 1 Sally; 2 Jenny; 3 Paul
Each were awarded a small prize. We would like to thank St Erth School and St Erth Nursery for all their help and assistance and to all 91 people who entered the competition.
We took our Coronation Sunday service to the marquee erected on the village green. There we held an all community service led by Andrew Chapple accompanied by David Phillips. We were pleasantly surprised by the number of people who joined us for the service.
Vivat Rex - Long Live the King
Don't forget to visit us on Sunday
April 2023
On Sunday the Messy Church theme was a link between King David and the forthcoming coronation with the painting and craft tables covering both kings. After an informal discussion on today's theme they had a hot cooked meal.
We were pleased to welcome Tania Bird to our service on Sunday. We normally exist on recorded songs and we were grateful to Tania for playing the organ for us to sing to. In addition we had a family from Australia who were on holiday, join us as their grandfather had a connection with our chapel.
We were pleased to welcome Rev Edwin Myers to lead our service on Sunday and to give us the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Again our congregation was larger than usual and a pleasant surprise was when a recent visitor asked to become a member.
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Kate and Gavin Poole to lead us in our Palm Sunday service. We were pleasantly surprised to see that we had doubled the size of our congregation.
Get ready for your local St Erth King Charles III Coronation celebrations which will take place over the coronation weekend. Here are a few activities.
March 2023
On Sunday we held our monthly Messy Church following the theme of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. There were many activities to include in this theme and one was to design a table top garden that had the cross and the tomb. After the activities there was a short informal reading and discussion of these events, followed by a hot meal of cottage pie and then a hot cross bun. Thanks go to members of the two local St Erth Churches for organising and overseeing and doing the cooking for Messy Church.
Do we hold the record in the Circuit for the oldest form bench? 'Goliath' was decommissioned in 1865 when the forms and benches were replaced with box pews, who in turn, were replaced with our modern pews in 1906. We still use a number of these benches today but Goliath is 14 feet long and may well have been installed in 1827 when the Chapel was built. It pre dates when the attached school room was built.
We regret that the Open Heart half hour at the Star Inn St Erth tonight (March 15th) at 7.30pm has been cancelled due to an unexpected illness. However you can join us for your favourite Gospel songs & hymns at the next service.
February 2023
Kathleen Hosking 1927 - 2023
On Sunday we said our prayers in remembrance of Viv Hocking's mother who passed away on Friday.
On Saturday we were pleased to welcome Mick to the Farmers' Market. Mick is a busker from St Ives and he will appear once a month to entertain us on Market days.
January 2023
On Monday we held our second outreach meal whereby we cooked a free hot meal mid day meal in our kitchen for 15 local people representing a cross section of the St Erth community. We were pleased that Tony Jasper was able to say the grace beforehand and the over whelming opinion by everyone was that it was a great success.
Open Heart half hour at the Star Inn St Erth Tuesday January 17th at 7.30pm with favourite Gospel songs & hymns. Come along and join in.
The Rainbow Youth Club starts again in the St Erth Chapel hall this Friday 13th at 4.30pm for approximately 1-1 ½ hrs for 8-13 year olds. If you fall into this age group then why not come along and have some fun. All leaders are dbs checked.
December 2022
A joyful Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all our friends everywhere.
For one widow in St Erth, Christmas was not the foremost thought in her mind. Just days before our Christmas Tree Festival on the 4th December she attended the service for her husband at the local crematorium. Although not a member of our Chapel she presented us with the funeral wreath as she did not want it to leave it unremembered in the crematorium gardens. It has been on display on our communion table every day since and I think that it is in the most appropriate place as a reminder of Psalm 116:15 - 'Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints'.
Something for fun for the whole of the family. See if you can discover
figures from the Nativity who are playing Hide & Seek from you. One of each is on display in a different front window of houses scattered around the village and can easily be viewed from the road. If you see them perhaps you could write down the house number or name so we are then able to collect them
We are looking for: Where did you see them
A Shepherd
Another Shepherd
2 lambs together
Baby Jesus
A King
Another King
And the 3rd King
When you have found them all, drop your answers in at the Post Office for us. Closing Date – Friday 30th December. There may be a small prize for the winner. Thank you for taking part.
The Christmas Tree Festival which ran for a week was well attended and for those who entered the competition to identify each tree's themed nursey rhyme will find the answers below. As tree no 2 did follow the theme then everyone was given a free pass on their answer regardless
of what they may have put down. There were 4 winners.
1 Wee Willy Winky
2 Didn't do the theme
3 Georgie Porgie
4 Mary Mary quite contrary
5 Hey Diddle Diddle
6 The Owl and the Pussycat
7 Ding Dong Bell
8 Little Boy Blue
9 3 Blind Mice
10 Goosey Goosey Gander
11 Little Bo Peep
12 Sing a song of Sixpence
13I had a little nut tree
14 Hickory Dickory Dock
15 Ride a Cock Horse
16 12345 Once I caught a fish alive
17 The Queen of Hearts
18 Humpty Dumpty
19 Baa Baa Black Sheep
20 Mary had a little lamb
Tuesday's Tea and Toast at the Chapel is taking a Christmas break and will restart on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
The Chapel still has a few trees left over after the Christmas Tree Festival. They have been watered regularly and well looked after. They are for sale at £17 each. Please ring 01736 740345 if you want one.
Help needed to trace a missing table. At the time of the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee the Chapel lent a table, similar to the photo, to be used in the celebrations. It has St Erth Chapel written on the underneath.
It has never been returned. We would be grateful for any assistance in locating it and arranging its return.
We were delighted that the community of St Erth filled the Chapel for our annual Christmas Carol Service and Christmas Tree Festival. We were pleased to see the return of Rev Terry Higgins, our minister from times past lead the service, accompanied by St Erth Concert Band and The Phoenix Singers. We were also pleased to see old friends from the Circuit.
We have been upgraded by the St Erth Lights Committee and we are now proud of the additional new Christmas decoration lights of the nativity fixed firmly on our outside wall.
November 2022
St Erth Methodist Chapel will hold the annual Carol Service and also start the Christmas Tree Festival on Sunday December 4 at 3pm. The Rev Terry Higgins will conduct the service accompanied by St Erth Concert Band and The Phoenix Singers. Afterwards there will be complimentary mince pies and tea. There will also be a voluntary collection for the children's charity 'Action for Children'. The Christmas Tree Festival will be open daily from 4 to 11 December from 2-5pm and 7-8pm. If you would like a Nordmann Christmas tree after the festival, they will be available on Monday 12 December. They are well watered and cared for during the festival. Please book your tree by adding your name to the list at the
Post Office. Price £17.
Tabletop sale this Saturday Nov 19th from 2-4pm. Books DVDs knits Toys Bric a Brac and much more. Pick up a Christmas bargain. Anyone wishing to book a table please phone 01736 740345.
Here are the prize winners from our Youth Club whose pictures were entered in two age related classes at the Western Area Ploughing match & show held at Tremethick Cross, Penzance on Saturday October 29th.
Today we took 39 shoeboxes to the local collection point for onwards transmission to the National collection centre. Thank you to all the good people of St Erth and thank you on behalf of the children who will receive shoebox gifts this year. You will bring a big smile to a child’s face and let them know that they are loved and not forgotten. The Samaritan's Purse mission of Operation Christmas Child is to show God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the two local St Erth Churches, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
On Remembrance Sunday the two St Erth Churches held a combined service. The laying of the wreaths; prayers and the two minutes silence was held at the local War Memorial followed by George Lawry, ex RAF Band, playing the Last Post. This year the service was held in the Chapel with the Rev Patricia Murley from St Erth Church and Di Webber from St Erth Chapel both officiating.
We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Lord, bid war's trumpet cease and fold the whole earth in peace.
This month's Messy Church was again a success with more children, parents and babes in arms in attendance. The theme was 'The Armour of God' and it was compared to and likened to the armour of the Roman soldiers. The children painted cardboard swords and helmets and sought to free Paul from prison. After games, there was a short service followed by a hot cooked meal.
We were pleased to welcome Tony Jasper to lead our service on Sunday. Our congregation almost doubled as he brought with him some visitors from Manchester and from Vienna, who would normally attend his home Chapel.
With the recent strong winds and heavy rain downfall, it seems that perhaps a roof tile has loosened, as an increasingly large wet patch has appeared high up in the Chapel ceiling.
October 2022
Some of you may have wondered why there are original paintings now hanging in the Chapel kitchen. This is only the start and as the art classes continue, we hope to see more of their handiwork hanging on the walls.
We are pleased to report that we have recycled 17 old and unwanted mobile phones for the month of October. They were sent to the UK charity 'Little Lives' for UK disadvantaged children.
Table Top Sale at St Erth Chapel Hall. Saturday October 8th from 2-4pm.
Come along & bag a bargain. Or to book a table call 01736 740345
On Sunday we held our Messy Church, and it is good to see that the numbers are picking up again. It is a joint venture between the two local St Erth Churches and is an ideal opportunity for Mums and Dads and other responsible family members to bring their young family for a fun packed session of simple tabletop games and crafts whereby they can get as messy as they like and learn by what they are doing; followed by a short family service aimed at the young ones and then finish with a hot cooked meal for everyone. Parents can relax while the children enjoy themselves and the whole experience is completely free of charge. The Messy Church theme this week was to understand the meaning when Jesus said 'I am the true vine'. We are grateful to Rev Edwin Myers for leading the service and to the volunteers who organised the craft and games, and for those who cooked the meal. Here we see some apple bobbing which they then took to a 120-year-old apple press to make apple juice.
September 2022
We were delighted to have Lester Scott lead our Harvest Festival service on Sunday. The Chapel was decorated in the traditional style, but the gifts of consumable foods was in the usual supermarket wrapping for onwards delivery to charity.
In addition to an unusually large congregation, we were also delighted see Tania Bird, our Circuit's Business and Finance Administrator, amongst the worshipers. All the food gifts will go to Hayle Food Bank, with the collection to go to Farm Africa, and the bouquets of flowers to the sick and lonely.
We were pleased today that Rev Edwin Myers was able to conduct a baptism ceremony for two young persons. The old Victorian Minister's portable travelling serpentine font was brought out of retirement for the occasion almost exactly 12 months since it was last used.
Our carpark has benefitted from the local roadworks which has now given us a pavement with a kerb.
We are pleased to confirm that we accept unwanted mobile phones and tablets, in any condition, which we forward to a children's charity in order that they can be recycled for their benefit.
August 2022
2 smartphones were handed in by someone who in turn had been asked by the original finder to help find the owner. Both phones are identical and are a Samsung make, model not known.
Phone on the left in photo has no sim card nor SD card. The battery has long been flat but a few minutes charge was enough to see that the time and date appeared to be 2021 and that it is password protected so there is no simple way to find any further details.
Phone on the right has no sim card but has a SD card which contains personal family photos including holidays abroad and possibly a marriage. It does not power up even when charging so I guess it does not work.
Both phones are available for collection at the Farmers Market.
It was lovely to have Katherine Baxter come and preach to us on Sunday 7th August. Thank you Katherine and thank you for your photo of us all.
At our Farmers' Market on Saturday we were pleased to have a surprise but welcome visit from our local Police Community Support Officer. It is always nice to see them keeping in touch with St. Erth.
Tea and toast saw another birthday on Tuesday - they come around too quickly nowadays. Also pleased to see an ex, but now grown up, Youth Club member who also had a birthday on the same day.
July 2022
We were pleased to welcome Robert Amess on Sunday to lead our service. It was his farewell visit to us and we presented him and Beth with a locally made but simple hand crafted plate as a reminder. We then all went for a Sunday roast at the local pub. We will all miss him as he has been a true friend and source of inspiration.
We had a very pleasant surprise on a Tea and Toast day when we had a visit from Jim Curry who gave an impromptu recital on our organ. It is not often played and members were delighted to hear it in operation.
Messy Church was held on Sunday 3rd July. The afternoon was jointly run by the Church and the Chapel with using the games and crafts to illustrate the theme of 'Praising God'. Then there was a short service followed by a picnic of hot dogs and beef burgers in the picnic area at Green Lane.
June 2022
Jubilee Celebrations - Highlights No. 5
The Church and Chapel organised a Messy Church stall with 'Splat the Rat' proving very popular.
Jubilee Celebrations - Highlights No. 4
The Chapel organised a static display in the Chapel of every day items of the 1950s. We were open for three days and the youngsters of today could not imagine using some of the items on show.
Jubilee Celebrations - Highlights No. 3
The Chapel helped to organise and sponsor the traditional children's street party. Every child present was able to sit down and enjoy a feast of party foods and drinks, with enough for parents as well and still plenty left over.
Jubilee Celebrations - Highlights No. 2
The Chapel entered the Church's static display. Our contribution was decorated hats to illustrate a typical Royal Ascot Ladies' Day in the 1950s.
Jubilee Celebrations - Highlights No. 1
The Chapel organised and sponsored the Fancy Dress competition with four categories to appeal to all ages. It was popular and well attended and even BBC Spotlight included it in their local news.
Don't forget that this Friday 3rd June we start the celebrations in the Green Lane area.
10.15am - Official Opening by Rev Patricia Murley.
10.30am - Fancy dress parade and judging.
11.00am to 12.30am - St Erth Band will play popular music.
12.00am - Children's big street party.
1.00pm to 2.00pm - Terry's Magic Show.
2.00pm to 3.00pm - Messy Church will organise some games.
2.00pm to 3.00pm - The Cober Accordion Band.
2.30pm to 4.30pm - Both Churches will have a free exhibition on display.
3.00pm to 4.00pm - Stupendous Solo Saxophonist.
4.30pm to 5.30pm - Andy's Disco.
May 2022
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome all our old friends from Chapels within our circuit for a combined service led by Rev Ralph Ward. Our thanks go to Frank Stevens for playing our rarely used listed organ to a packed congregation.
On Sunday we held our Messy Church. We are grateful to Linda Stevens to who stepped up at short notice to give a short service on God v Water and to the team who cooked a lovely meal of baked potatoes in their jackets with either beans or chilli followed by jelly and ice cream. Here the families join in the service singing the 'Water of Life'. The theme this week was 'God Versus Water'. There was the parting of the Red Sea' turning water into wine with 'mocktails', making boats for the Sea of Galilee, Ginger bread men getting baptised, and the flood with Noah's Arc.
April 2022
Easter Sunday - here is our tableau of the empty tomb. The Chapel was a feast of beautiful spring flowers.
Matthew 28:5-6 - "The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay'."
Here are the results. Winning entry for the Adult Easter Bonnet Competition. Next winning entry for the Primary School Age Easter Bonnet Competition. Next winning entry for the Primary School Age Egg Decorated Competition.
Today at Tea and Toast we all decorated some summer hats in preparation for the Easter Bonnet competition on Saturday. Here one of our less senior members demonstrates the high standard of industrial effort that goes into the skill and craftmanship to decorate an Easter Bonnet.
I am trying to be diplomatic here but a number of our brown earthenware planters have gone missing from outside the Chapel. These planters are maintained by the Youth Club and spend all year outside and they change the plants from time to time. If they have been temporarily borrowed then we would welcome them back as these are the only two left out of a total of six.
Easter Bonnet and Egg competition. Now here is a little bit of fun. Why not decorate a hen's egg and decorate an Easter Bonnet. There will be 3 age groups - primary school age, secondary school age and adults. Entries to be in at the Farmers Market on Saturday by 10.15am. You never know, you might win.
The Children's Clothing Exchange continues to be held in the Chapel each Saturday between 10.00am and 12.00. If you have good, clean clothes or uniforms which your children have grown out of, then please either donate or exchange depending on your needs. Every little helps.
The first Sunday in April saw another successful Messy Church organised by the two local St Erth Churches. There were some new parents and children. For a change here are two photos of the unsung heroes who help by either cooking or stewarding enjoying their cooked meal.
March 2022
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Rev Robert Amess to lead our service. We were thrilled to learn that after completing his studying that he has been awarded a Doctor of Theology by Durham University. We are all very proud of him.
Good to see the St Erth Players back in action in the Methodist Hall after the long coronavirus break. The performance was their usual high standard of great acting; great scenery, great choice of play; great one liners and great humour. All the cast should be in line for a BAFTA. The photo shows the packed hall for the usual highly amusing raffle for undeterminable prizes.
On Sunday we held our Messy Church and it is good to see that the numbers are picking up again. It is a joint venture between the two local
St Erth Churches and is an ideal opportunity for Mums and Dads and other responsible family members to bring their young family for a fun packed session of simple table top games and crafts whereby they can get as messy as they like and learn by what they are doing; followed by a short family service aimed at the young ones and then finish with a hot cooked meal for everyone. Parents can relax while the children enjoy themselves and the whole experience is completely free of charge. The theme this week was 'Loving and Serving'
Make a date and don't be late.
January 2022
Joint Covenant Service. We were pleased to welcome on Sunday to St Erth Chapel members from Hayle Methodists to a joint Covenant Service. It was led by Rev Edwin Myers and Rev Ray Borrett from Hayle Methodist Chapel. Whilst the joint congregations did not fill the Chapel to overflowing, it was nice to see a much larger congregation than usual, and meet up with old friends.
December 2021
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown". And he replied "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way".
(by Minnie Haskins 1875-1957 - a Methodist all her life.)
St Erth Methodist Chapel wish a very joyful and peaceful Christmas to "All people that on earth do dwell".
MINCE PIES & CHOCOLATE COINS - Hayle Food Bank are preparing 60 Christmas Hampers to be distributed to local families in need at Christmas. Our two local churches at St Erth were asked to provide the mince pies and chocolate coins to go into each food parcel and today we have achieved both and they are now on their way. Thankyou to St Erth.
November 2021
On Sunday we held our last Messy Church for this year. It is a joint venture between the two local St Erth Churches and is an ideal opportunity for Mums and Dads and other responsible family members to bring their young family for a fun packed session of simple table top games and crafts whereby they can get as messy as they like and learn by what they are doing; followed by a short family service aimed at the young ones and then finish with a hot cooked meal for everyone. Parents can relax while the children enjoy themselves and the whole experience is completely free of charge. The theme this week was 'Messy Christmas'.
We had a total of 30 people at Messy Church including 17 children. They learnt that Jesus was born in a stable with straw and maybe donkey dung on the floor. So here is a picture of the inspiring efforts of making edible donkey poo from cocoa powder and fondant icing. It brings home the sharp contrast of the clinically clean birth of children in hospitals today to those less fortunate in the underdeveloped countries. Everyone enjoyed a traditional cooked Christmas dinner and Christmas pudding before going home
On Sunday we were pleased to perform a ceremony that we had delayed from 2019 due to the coronavirus pandemic. With conditions almost back to normal we presented Di Webber with the St Erth Methodist Church Volunteer Award certificate which she so richly deserves. She is well known throughout the village and the Methodist Circuit and there is not enough room here for me to list all her qualities that led to the award. Well done Di.
On Tuesday our gang got together and delivered 33 Christmas 'Shoe Boxes' to the local collection point. These boxes are filled with small treats and necessities for children abroad who would not receive any. Thank you to the good people of St Erth for filling them.
We were pleased today when our Minister; Rev Edwin Myers assisted in the joint Remembrance service between the two local churches. Both congregations joined together for the occasion to hear the last post played by George Lawry at the War Memorial. The British Legion is 100 years old this year and the photo is one of the first poppies sold.
'A Souvenir of the St Erth Wesleyan Bazaar Xmas 1905'
We had a lovely surprise when we received a very pleasant email from a lady called Rosemary who lives near Newcastle who bought the above inscribed commemorative mug in a charity shop in Hexham, Northumberland. Using her detective and Google skills she has returned and donated the mug to us. After 116 years away it is still in mint condition and now at home again. A very big thank you to Rosemary.
October 2021
Sunday's Messy Church is back on again. It is a joint venture between the two local St Erth Churches and is held on the last Sunday of each month between 4.00pm and 6.00pm.This is an ideal opportunity for Mums and Dads and other responsible family members to bring their young family for a fun packed session of simple table top games and crafts whereby they can get as messy as they like and learn by what they are doing; followed by a short family service aimed at the young ones and then finish with a hot cooked meal for everyone. Parents can relax while the children enjoy themselves and the whole experience is completely free of charge. This month's theme is 'Light up the Darkness' as a positive alternative to the Darkness of Halloween. All children must be accompanied by an adult please.
Who wants a child's bicycle for Christmas. We have been donated a Spiderman child's bike to sell to raise funds for charity. As far as I know it was bought for a 5 to 7 year old grandchild who did not get to grips with it and could not or would not ride it. It has spent some time in storage but is in near nigh perfect condition. It can be inspected in St Erth Chapel Hall on Saturdays during Farmers' Market hours. Price £50 or very near offer please.
Table Top Sale - St Erth Chapel Hall - Saturday 16th from 2-4pm
Lots of items including books, puzzles, child's spiderman bike & helmet as new, child's scooter, clothes and much more. If you would like to book a table please contact Viv on 01736 740345.
On Sunday we held our first Messy Church since the beginning of the coronavirus lockdown. We make a conscious decision not to photograph the young children so here we show Pamela at her desk before we started and another desk of games. We were pleased to have a total of 39 attendees. The children with their parents enjoyed practical craft skills to use the objects in front of them to illustrate the theme of Gladly giving to God. After the creative session at Messy Church there was a fun short service followed by a cooked meal for everyone and what is more it was all free. Here is a close up of an inspirational creature probably on its way to Noah's ark.
September 2021
On Sunday we were pleased to have our own Minister, Rev Edwin Myers, conduct a baptism. This was the second one this year and young Alex was baptised using the old Victorian Minister's portable travelling serpentine font which was brought out of retirement for the occasion.
On Sunday we welcomed Rob Manley to lead our Harvest Festival Service.
All of the collection was donated to Farm Africa to help struggling
farmers. All the non perishable food which was donated will be forwarded to Hayle Food Bank.
On Tuesday at Tea and Toast it was another member's birthday which was celebrated in the usual fashion of a birthday cake and candle and a chorus of 'Happy Birthday'.
On Sunday we have our Harvest Festival service and everybody is welcome. Donations of non perishable foods will be welcome and forwarded to Hayle Food Bank. The Church collection will be donated to Farm Africa to help African farmers to thrive their harvest.
Thanks go to the member of Tea and Toast for making our poster.
August 2021
On Friday a group of young volunteers cut down and removed the dangerous overhanging branches in the car park. This had become a safety issue that had been highlighted during the winter gales when it was feared that they would fall on cars parked below. A big thank you to all the willing workers.
We were pleased to welcome our old friends Rev Terry Higgins and his wife Gillian to tea in the Chapel on Wednesday afternoon. We remember them both with affection from their days on the Hayle Circuit and later for their help with St Erth's interregnum when we were without a minister.
During the coronavirus pandemic isolation Gillian heeded her faith and calling to share how God has shown and guided them through their ministries. The result is her book called 'A Diary of a Marriage made in Heaven' - travelogue in time of their lives in Methodism.
We were each given a copy and a small supply was left for any one who would like a copy.
We had two birthdays to celebrate today at Tea and Toast. Both were on the same day but, possibly, a few years apart.
Happy birthday to Viv and young, ex Youth Club, Rachel.
July 2021
Saturday saw the re-opening of the Farmer's Market under the release of the Government Coronavirus guidelines. The Tea and Cakes heralded the opening of the new kitchen. It was blessed by our local Minister; the Rev Edwin Myers and then the blue ribbon was cut by Di Webber and the new kitchen was officially opened. Viv Hocking and her two stalwart companions entertained throughout the market with a melody of popular tunes played on their piano accordions, whilst everyone enjoyed a free
drink and a cake.
On Tuesday, as a special treat, we had a Tea and Toast barbeque (by kind permission of Robin and Marcelia); all subject to coronavirus guidelines. Here we played some children's games usually brought out for Messy Church but the just right level of ability for us all.
There will be a special Thanksgiving Service.
June 2021
We rarely see a traditional baptism in our local Chapel so we were delighted to welcome back the Rev Terry Higgins, our former Minister, to baptise a member of our congregation. So on Sunday morning, as part of
our service, Trevelyan Hocking; assisted and supported by his father Garnet and his girl friend Phillipa, was fully submerged in the River Hayle, just upstream of St Erth bridge as Terry Higgins and the congregation gathered on the river bank to share the ceremony.
We were surprised and pleased to see that the school children of Penpol School, Hayle had been industrious and drew their own posters to air their views on the G7 conference and had chosen to attach them to our doors.
The Churches in the area have been encouraged to highlight that the true solution to climate crisis is for humanity to seek forgiveness from God for the misuse of His creation. This is to be visually conveyed through displaying a Cross covered in ocean/plastic waste. You may have seen two crosses so displayed near the St Erth Methodist Church. Curiously, these crosses have disappeared. If you know what happened to them, please let us know; or if you know where they are, please return them to the church by putting them in the courtyard / entrance to the Farmers Market.
On 21 June President Richard Teal and Sue delighted some of the friends when visiting Wesley Rock Chapel to hear their mission plans. Richard prayed for them and the work in Heamoor Penzance the Superintendent
Rev Alistair Bolt and his colleague Rev Edwin Myers came to share. For the purposes of the photo face masks were either temporarily removed or lowered and then re-instated. No doubt you can recognised our Minister Rev Ed.
May 2021
As recently as in the past week a local charity handed back to us some St Erth Wesleyan Methodist Church plates which had been donated to them for sale.
It was a kind gesture and one which we reciprocated. We have a few in our archives but the majority would have been replaced many years ago. The company that made them was formed in 1892 and ceased trading in 1903 so that gives an idea of how old they are.
April 2021
He is not here for He is risen just as He said. Matthew 28 : 6
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son.
John 3 : 16
There is a green hill far away without a city wall, where the dear Lord was crucified who died to save us all.
March 2021
January 2021
December 2020
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, which is Christ the Lord". Luke 2:11
"God bless us every one" said Tiny Tim, the last of all. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others.
Thankyou to all the good people of St Erth who rose to the challenge and helped the two local churches meet the request from Hayle Food Bank to donate 15 boxes of mince pies and 15 bags of chocolate money each. Between us all over 30 gifts of each item was raised and now go into their Christmas Hamper for distribution.
November 2020
Gary and Gavin collected the shoeboxes from the Chapel and very kindly transported the 36 boxes to Redruth to begin their journey to children in war torn and deprived areas of the world in time for Christmas. This was a great effort in these difficult times and our thanks go to all of you who donated complete shoeboxes, items for the shoe boxes or money towards the transport to bring joy and love to a child this Christmas. Thank you.
Just when you think that Coronavirus might make us forget Remembrance Day the good people of St Erth remind us. Do you know who the two phantom poppy planters are. Thank you to them for doing a grand job.
Finally, do you know how many extra large poppies have been placed around St Erth?
September 2020
The Harvest Festival service was a fantastic one for us despite being held under Government coronavirus regulations. All the food gifts shown in the photo were donated and then given to the Hayle Food Bank.
In addition the photo of some of the woollen items were knitted by one of our senior members despite having bad arthritis in her hands which are to be sent to poor families in Moldova. And finally the Church Collection of £340 was donated to Farm Africa where there are doubts that their own harvests may not support their families.
April - 2020
Since the coronavirus Corvid 19 pandemic which brought abut the closure of the Chapel and cessation of all activities; there have been no photos to publish; but we have Di Webber's Easter posters to enjoy.
On Friday at Youth Club we had a visit from Liz (who is blind) and Noal (her husband). They brought their 3 guide dogs with them (called Oscar; Zoe and Scoobie). Two were retired as pets whilst the third was on active duty. The children were allowed to shut their eyes and accompany Liz being led by a guide dog around the room. They then knew what faith you had to place in the dog.
At Tea and Toast on Shrove Tuesday we all took turns to wear the Chef's hat and mix and make some pancakes. They were delicious.
On Sunday we held Messy Church which is a joint venture between the two local churches. 40 people attended. The theme this time was 'Discipleship'. We explored the theme of kindness and friendship. All the games were focused on this point. Here we see one table 'building bridges' In addition there was a short service; followed by a cooked tea for over 27 adults and children of all ages. And it was all FREE.
On Friday the Youth Club made Valentine's Day shortbread and ice them and then added chocolate buttons. While they waited for the shortbread to cook the Youth Club played table top football.
On Sunday the two local churches ran the first Messy Church of the New Year. The text was the blind faith that Gideon placed in the Lord. Here the children wore a blind fold and in the true 'pin the tail on the donkey' game
had to cut out and pin the wings on an Angel. Here one of the wings is the wrong way round. Another set of coloured wings; but although a good attempt whilst blindfolded, still one of them is the wrong way round. One of our young Messy Church helpers struggling to cope not using his mobile for an hour. The Messy Church meal was cottage pie and vegetables followed by apple crumble pie and ice cream for 20 people.
On Friday at Youth Club we made pizzas. Some took them home for tea and others ate them there and then. They were delicious.
After the Christmas Tree Festival the cleaning team did a grand job of getting rid of all the glitter and pine needles. Looks to me as if they are enjoying themselves too much; but no need to pixelise their faces.
At the Farmers' Market the usual team were back running the refreshments table. You will note that we have used pixelization techniques to protect the identity of young people.
At the first Youth Club meeting of the year we made 2020 calendars for them to take home to their family. You will note that we have use pixelization techniques to protect the identity of young people.
December - 2019
On Tuesday we had a free Christmas Party at Tea and Toast with over 30 of our regulars playing 'Pass the Parcel' and singing carols. It was difficult to decide whether or not the men made a better choir than the women.
The Carol Service and Christmas Tree Festival was fully attended with £260 raised from the collection for Action for Children. The Christmas Tree display ran for a further 7 days and was very popular.
November - 2019
At the Farmers' Market on Saturday the local craft stalls had a nice Festive look to them.
On Friday at Youth Club we prepared decorations for our Christmas tree. This photo allows some of the members not to be recognised on the web.
The last Messy Church of the year was held on Sunday. This joint venture between the two local Churches provides fun and games for parents, children and grandparents of course. Here a volunteer is helping to make slime. The theme was Jesus is a Super Hero and here they are making their own out of paper and cardboard before attending a short service whilst dinner was being prepared. Finally, helpers from both Churches prepare and serve up a full Sunday roast followed by Christmas pudding and ice cream or apple crumble and ice cream. About 44 attended and everyone helped to clear up afterwards.
At Youth Club on Friday night we all cooked cakes and buns for sale at the Farmers' Market. Here on Saturday the first two helpers arrive to serve the refreshments; all sold to raise funds for the Youth Club.
Sunday; after the Remembrance Service; we loaded the first consignment of 64 Shoeboxes for the first step of their journey. The Samaritans Purse is a charity which organises the sending of shoe boxes filled with gifts and essentials for boys and girls aged from 2 to 14 years old in overseas countries where help is needed most and young children unlikely to experience the joys of Christmas. Here were see our stalwart helpers load all the local St Erth boxes to go to the next collection point. There will be another consignment to be sent off next week.
October -2019
On Friday, and in anticipation of Halloween, the Youth Club prepared their pumpkins illuminated with small battery operated tea lights. Here are the results and thanks go to ASDA who donated some of the pumpkins to us.
Monday saw the Service of Thanksgiving and the Celebration of the Life of Edna Hocking. The service was conducted by our own Reverend Edwin Myers and Mr Tim Hosken was the organist. Over 200 people attended and said their good byes to Edna.
On Friday we took the youth club to a roller skating disco park and whilst the photo does not show them clearly; they zoomed by the camera too fast. Viv was the only brave Youth Club leader who would put on the roller skates and complete a few circuits.
On Thursday evening we had a South African Experience with the Reverend Edwin Myers and family giving an illustrated talk of life when they were living in South Africa. We had a total of 34 people sit down to a beautifully cooked South African meal.
Are you a keen researcher of your Family History. The local churches in St Erth contain a wealth of information. For instance; we have 16 brass window plaques each with a story to tell. There are also wall plaques. Are your forebears amongst them ?.
At Youth Club we made chocolate buns and took them home for the rest of the family.
September - 2019
On Friday we took the Youth Club to explore the old sandpits and then play on the recreation ground.
Tuesday's Tea and Toast was well attended with 22 people enjoying themselves. Don't forget that next Tuesday is the MacMillan Charity Coffee Morning when we hope to double these numbers.
Sunday's Messy Church was well attended with activities for all
At the Farmers' Market on Saturday we were entertained by Jenny and Jill
July - 2019
Saturday's Farmers' Market saw its 11th birthday and as the weather was nice then tea could be taken outside. We had a very accomplished local person play the piano accordion.
At Youth Club on Friday we all cooked a meal for our family and then sat down and ate it all together. Here the tables are laid ready for the guests.
Here is the first course or starters being prepared for the family meal.
June - 2019
This Friday we took the Youth Club to play cricket in the play area. Does it surprise you to know that they won.
On Friday we took the Youth Club to play crazy golf but it was the play area that proved the most popular.
Here at Messy Church the children demonstrate working as a team.
Usual Youth Club activities of craft and cooking.
At Farmers' Market we had a visit from Marian, a young Czechoslovakian now living in the USA. He was cycling from Lands End to John O' Groats in Scotland. He called in for some nourishment and we wish him a very enjoyable stay in our Country.
On Friday we joined the global calling all Christians to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ.
The Chapel was opened at 5.00am until 6.00pm and facilities were there to help all ages pray. Here the Pulpit was turned into a Prayer Tent with scatter cushions and gentle music inside.
May - 2019
On Friday we took the Youth Club on a Travelling Tea. This combined a walk to the first house where they had hot dogs and a drink, then a walk to the second house where they had jelly, cakes and a drink.
On Friday we took the Youth Club for a walk. It was their turn to be in charge as they hoisted the 'oldies' over the siles.
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Andrew Cashmore who lead our Pet Service accompanied by his dog Casper. Also there was Annie, the farm dog, anxious to make as many non farm friends as possible.
As an epitaph to the demise of the old Chapel piano, we are pleased report that although the wooden carcase was beyond repair or salvage; the main frame has gone to a new local home where it will be loved and played by plucking the strings in the same manner as a harp. It was a John Broadwood and Sons make and this label was found under the keys.
April - 2019
On Sunday Messy Church was well attended. Here we have the young volunteers helping on their activity tables. Children were invited to make their own 'lots' as in 'casting lots' which is mentioned over 70 times in the bible or they were trying to build the largest cross possible out of wooden clothes pegs.
Today we said 'Good Bye' to the old piano. After years of faithful service the piano had an undignified exit through the 'Coffin Doors'. It was riddled with fresh wood worm and was beyond the point of satisfactory repair and restoration. Now that the piano is outside and awaiting collection; at least; and hopefully, it was removed from the Chapel before the woodworm spread to our Grade 2 Listed organ.
Easter Bonnets Winners - Adults - 1st Sue 2nd Janet Tied 3rd -Fliss and Angela. Children - 1st - Dorothy. Decorated Hens Egg Winners - Primary - 1st & 2nd Lele Tied 3rd - Carmel and Courtney. Secondary - 1st Hannah. Adults - 1st - John 2nd Audrey 3rd Janet.
At the Farmers' Market the two judges gave their verdict on the Decorated Hens Egg Competition and awarded prizes as follows: Primary; 1st & 2nd Lele, 3rd Carmel and Courtney. Secondary; 1st Hannah. Adults; 1st John, 2nd Audrey, 3rd, Angela. Next the judges awarded prizes to the winners of the Easter Bonnet: Children; 1st Dorothy. Adults; 1st Sue, 2nd Janet, 3rd Angela and 3rd Fliss.
And now that the judging has been completed we can show you the decorated eggs that the Youth Club made before half term.
Farmers' Market had a surprise for everyone today. Firstly, we had an unexpected and welcome visit by Breton Fez Noz, a small group from Breton in France who were visiting St Erth. They treated us to their traditional festival music.
Next we had an unscheduled visit from Binbin Zhang, who volunteered to play her harp and Chinese flute to the gathering in the hall.
And finally a young man called Max, who said he could only play a piano, actually was brilliant on the great organ in the Chapel and brought the poor old thing to life with some modern music. Well done Max.
At Tea and Toast on Tuesday we continued the theme of the Farmers' Market Easter competition and one brave lady wears the hat that she will enter in the show.
On the last Youth Club meeting before half term we decorated eggs for the Farmers' Market Easter egg competition. We can not show you the photos until the competition is over, so instead we shall show you the cakes and squash they had when they had finished.
March - 2019
On Friday at Youth Club we all helped to prepare and cook the cakes for the Tea Stall at the Farmers' Market. We do this to try and raise funds to pay for special items and treats and then on Saturday the Youth Club ran the Tea Stall at the Farmers' Market and sold all that we cooked the night before.
On Friday the Youth Club went for a healthy invigorating brisk walk by the river and then finished with drinks and cakes.
On Shrove Tuesday we had a full turn out with a lot of potential Celebrity Chefs making pancakes.
February - 2019
On Sunday we held the monthly joint venture of Messy Church using the theme of Noah's Ark. A total of 36 attended. The table shows the results of the Childrens' efforts at Messy Church.
Here is an example of a peg board quiz whereby the correct pegs of those who were on the Ark are placed. The pegs not in the board represent those not on the Ark and these are just a sample of them.
At Youth Club they were taught how to make chapaties and chicken korma curry and then they ate all that they cooked and then washed up.
At Youth Club we finished the candle stick holders. Here they all are waiting for the varnish to dry. We also cooked some cakes for them to take home and share with their family.
January - 2019
On Friday the Youth club practised their carpentry skills and each made a wooden candle stick holder.
Here are the results from Sunday's Messy Church. You can see the craft and pictures that the children made.
We are grateful to the volunteers from the St Erth Feast Committee who have undertaken to repaint the hall. This is not an easy job; nor a quick one but here they are starting the job. Our very many thanks go to the great band of volunteers.
It is sad to see that now Christmas has gone the need to dispose of the old unwanted tree has arrived. This is what we found in the St Erth Methodists Chapel courtyard. We are well used to rubbish being dumped in the car park and this is now an extra task for the volunteers to clean up and remove.